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发布时间:2018-07-06  点击:

韩国籍,历史学(国际关系史)博士,现为九游会JY3668讲师,主要研究领域为东亚国际关系与非对称、韩国政治与外交、中韩关系。2000年毕业于韩国延世大学,获得东亚研究硕士学位,2003年毕业于美国佛罗里达大学,获得国际事务专业硕士学位,2006年毕业于美国弗吉尼亚大学,获得政治学专业硕士学位,2009年毕业于中国吉林大学,获得世界史专业(当代国际关系史方向)博士学位。咸命植博士通晓韩语、英语、汉语,曾在Modern China Seosuk Social Science Review《史学集刊》等国内外权威学术刊物发表论文数篇。





讲 授 课 程



学 术 著 作

Politics of Asymmetry: China and Vietnam(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006) → Bidaechingeui Jeongchihak: Jungkukkua Vietnam(Seoul: Hanul Publishing Company)


学 术 论 文

• Myungsik Ham (咸), “历史争议在东亚国际关系史中的意义—以靖国神社和柏威夏寺为例”, 史學集刊, No. 5 (September 2013), pp. 102-112 (with Elaine Tolentino).

• “From Autonomous Areas to Non-Autonomous Areas: The Politics of Korean Minority Migration in Contemporary China,” Modern China, Vol. 38, No. 1 (January 2012), pp. 110-133 (with Wooyeal Paik).

• “China’s Engagement in Africa and Reshaping Global Governance: The Case of Mozambique,” Seosuk Social Science Review, Vol. 4, No. 1 (2011), pp. 233-256 (with Frederico Benedito Congolo). 

• Myungsik Ham (咸), “东亚国际关系历史学分析”, 刘德彬 主编, 国学派理论与国际关系史 (北京: 北京大学出版社, 2011), pp. 352-365.

• Myungsik Ham (咸), “历史学与国际关系理论: 历史 ‘叙’ 分析 ‘叙’”, 刘德斌 主编, 国学派理论与国际关系史 (北京: 北京大学出版社, 2011), pp. 383-398 (with Elaine Tolentino).

• “Historical Analysis of International Relations in East Asia,” Seosuk Social Science Review, Vol. 3, No. 2 (2010), pp. 231-259.


学 术 交 流

• “Asymmetry, Ideas, and Tributary System: An Analytic Narrative of Ancient China and Korea Relations,” in???????? ?????? [Korean Association of International Studies Annual Conference], Korea National Diplomatic Academy, Seoul, December 13, 2013, (in Korean).

 “The  Role of Political Leaders in Historical Conflict of Preah Vihear,” with Elaine Tolentino,” in ?????? 2013? ???????? [International Association of Area Studies Fall Conference], Chosun University, Kwangju, November 2, 2013, (in Korean).                                                                                    

• “The Migration of the Philippines and South Korea: Is American Soft Power in Decline?” with Elaine Tolentino in Ethnicity in America, 1600-2010: An International Symposium, Nankai University, Tianjin, June 11-12, 2011.

• “From Autonomous Diasporas to Non-Autonomous Diasporas: The Politics of Korean Minority Migration in Contemporary China,” with Wooyeal Paik in The Global Politics of China: An International Conference organized by the British Inter-University China Centre, London & Manchester, November 27-29, 2009.

• “Same Story, Contesting Memories: Why Historical Narratives Matter in Yasukuni Shrine and Preah Vihear Temple,” with Elaine Tolentino in 4th Annual Congress of Asian Political and International Studies Association, DLSU, Manila, November 11-13, 2009.

• “Asymmetric Triangle Relations in the Post-Cold War Era: South Korea between the U.S. and China,” in International Symposium and 21st Annual Meeting of the Association of Chinese Political Studies, Missouri State University, Springfield, October 11-13, 2008.

• “China’s Leadership of North Korea: A Partner for Alliance or A Constituent of Asymmetry,” in International Conference and 3rd Graduate Seminar On China, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, January 8-12, 2007.

• “China’s Leadership of Korea before Modernization: Hegemony, Hierarchy or Asymmetry?” in Association of Chinese Political Studies Sponsored International Symposium, Renmin University, Beijing, June 9-11, 2006.

• “Rethinking International Relations in East Asia: Special Relations between China and North Korea,” in International Symposium and 18th Annual Meeting of the Association of Chinese Political Studies, SFSU, San Francisco, July 29-31, 2005.